Welcome to California Roleplay

Your ultimate roleplay experience begins here

About the Server

California Rolep lay, founded in 2023 and led by Alpha, HMT is a server that simulates American life, especially in the state of California. We bring some of our own unique touches into the server, which clearly reflects its name. We welcome all nationalities, and we emphasize that there is no discrimination within the server. Our server aims to create a clean and vandal-free gaming environment, suitable for all ages and players.


Screenshot from the game
Screenshot from the game
Screenshot from the game

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News & Updates

Our Team

Chief Administrators

Admin Role
Alpha Chief Administrator
leadguru Chief Administrator

Lead Administrators

Admin Role
Trader Lead Administrator / Chief of Staff / Temporary Legal FMT Leader
katzenX Lead Administrator / Lead Developer
Baissa Lead Administrator / Websites Developer

Senior Administrators

Admin Role
ItsZecus Senior Administrator / Illegal FMT Leader
Prox Senior Administrator / Events Team Leader


Admin Role
iNa1X Administrator / VMT Leader
Maris Administrator / Legal FMT Member
Atheer Administrator / Legal FMT Member
Example Administrator (TO BE ASSIGNED)
Speedy Administrator / Events Team Member

Junior Administrators

Admin Role
LOU4I Junior Administrator (TO BE ASSIGNED)
Devastation Junior Administrator (TO BE ASSIGNED)
Hozzie Junior Administrator (TO BE ASSIGNED)

Development Team

Developer Role
katzenX Lead Developer
ibrahimjackson Developer

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